Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Unitree and our innovative concept.


Find answers to common questions about our economic system and tokenization.

How are tokens minted?

Tokens are minted as people contribute in various forms, such as fiat currency, land, skills, labor, tools, or technology. These contributions are vital in establishing and nurturing regenerative environments.

What backs the tokens?

The tokens are backed by the value of the projects themselves. As a project increases in value, so does the value of the tokens, creating a stable store of value for the contributors.

How stable is the token value?

The stability of the token value is directly linked to the value of the projects. As the projects grow and generate more value, the token value remains stable, providing a reliable store of value for the contributors.

Can I get involved?

Yes, absolutely! We encourage everyone to get involved in our regenerative economic system. You can contribute in various ways, such as providing fiat currency, land, skills, labor, tools, or technology.

How can I learn more?

To learn more about our economic system, tokenization, and how you can participate, please contact our team. We're here to answer any questions you may have.