Discover the Future of Regenerative Living

Join us for an exclusive webinar and learn how Unitree combines permaculture projects with a regenerative economic system.

Structure and Topics Covered in the Webinar

The introductory webinar provides an in-depth understanding of Unitree's permaculture projects, the regenerative economic system, and the role of tokens.

Permaculture Projects: Nurturing Regenerative Environments

Discover how Unitree's permaculture projects leverage forest banks to produce essential resources such as food, medicine, building materials, and biofuels.

Regenerative Economic System: Token-driven Sustainability

Learn how Unitree's regenerative economic system utilizes tokens to incentivize contributions and establish a stable store of value for participants.


Unlock the Potential of Unitree

Join our introductory webinar to gain a deep understanding of the Unitree concept, explore networking opportunities with like-minded individuals, and learn how you can actively participate in our regenerative economic system. This webinar is designed to provide you with all the information you need to get started on your journey towards a sustainable future.

Understand the Unitree Concept

Learn about the innovative combination of permaculture and regenerative economics.

Network with Like-Minded Individuals

Connect with others who share your passion for sustainability and environmental regeneration.

Learn How to Participate

Discover the various ways you can contribute and actively participate in our projects.

Join Our Webinar Today!

Learn how Unitree's innovative concept is revolutionizing permaculture and regenerative economics.


Find answers to frequently asked questions about the introductory webinar below.

What is the webinar duration?

The webinar duration is approximately one hour, including time for Q&A.

Who can attend the webinar?

The webinar is open to anyone interested in learning more about Unitree and its innovative concept.

How can I access the webinar?

To access the webinar, simply register on our website and you will receive a link to join the session.

Is there a fee to attend the webinar?

No, the webinar is free of charge for all participants.

Can I ask questions during the webinar?

Yes, there will be a dedicated Q&A session where you can ask questions related to the webinar topic.

Still have questions?

Contact us for further assistance.